Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Weekly Schedule, Pt. 1

How are you at remembering things that need to get done? Quite frankly, I stink at it. If I don't write it down, that phone call won't get made, that library book won't get returned, that floor won't get washed, etc. If you can survive your days without a planner, all the power to you! I, for one, need all the help I can get. :)

As I mentioned previously, my binder is the heartbeat of my home. Without it, I would not get much done.... seriously. It keeps me on track every day, and it holds me accountable so I don't waste too much time... :)

My weekly schedule is the core function of my binder. I like to keep my binder open on my desk so that I can see the entire week at a glance. Monday through Wednesday is listed on one page with Thursday through Saturday listed on the opposing page. The same chores that I do each week are assigned to a specific day of the week. I keep both pages of my weekly schedule inside a transparency. That way I can use a wipeboard marker to check off items as I complete them and also write in anything that is specific to that week - appointments, phone calls to be made, special cleaning jobs, etc. At the end of the week, I use a damp napkin to wipe it all down and start over again fresh. Sandwiched between the two pages is a transparent zipper pouch that I can tuck in anything that I might need during that upcoming week.... coupons, phone numbers, bills to pay, etc. Everything is handy and right at my fingertips, and it's not cluttering up my very small desk. :)

This is a system I've had in place for a few years now, and I've found it works perfectly for me. Feel free to copy it, tweak it, improve it, totally disregard it... :)

I'll try to get my weekly schedule uploaded onto my computer this weekend so that I can show you the actual pages that I use.

Happy Planning!