Why is it on a Sunday morning when I announce, "It's time to leave for church!" the four members of my family scatter in every direction, none of which are even remotely in the direction of the garage door?
One son heads into the kitchen to grab a granola bar, another runs upstairs to find his Bible, another scrambles to the bathroom to "fix" his hair, and yes, even my husband begins a mad search of the house for his dress shoes.
Why does this happen when every one of them KNOW what time we are leaving... and they all know WHERE we are going. It's not a mystery to any of us, but yet my jaw drops every Sunday as this same scenario is reenacted over and over.
Am I the only one that thinks BEFORE it's time to leave - what do I need to bring? and then lay that stuff out on the kitchen table where it's handy to grab on my way through - my Bible, my cell phone, church library books that need to be returned, etc. Most items I place there the night before!
I've taught my children since they were young to always ask two questions of themselves as they head out the door since they (one especially) were prone to forget things:
1) Where am I going?
2) What do I need?
I think I've taught them well. However, there's one more thing I've realized that I neglected to teach them.... the importance of thinking through these questions ahead of time.
It's why I have learned over the years to announce "It's time to go!" ten minutes before it's REALLY time to go just so we are not leaving the house in a mad rush and arriving to our destination already stressed out. But I shouldn't have to do that. :)
Be prepared, folks. It doesn't take anymore of your time to set out things ahead of time. If you know you have to leave the house at 8:00 am, for example, don't wait until 8:00 am to collect your things. It's very simple. Lay out as much as you can as far ahead of time as you can, and you'll be more likely to get out the door ON TIME... or gasp... perhaps even a little early!