Cleaning our homes can sometimes be an overwhelming task... so daunting that perhaps we keep putting if off...
I found a great solution to whipping my house into shape a few years ago - on (If you've never come across this website before, check it out! She has the BEST feather duster on the market, by the way!) Anyways, her approach is a simple one... and I'm all about simplicity when it comes to cleaning my home. :)
It's what Flylady refers to as "Zone Cleaning." How it works is you divide your house into separate zones or areas. She recommends five and that's what I have done, but it could work with any number of zones with the small modification to her plan that I have put into place.
My Zones:
Zone #1 - The Entrance Foyer, Front Porch, and Living Room
Zone #2 - Kitchen
Zone #3 - Small Bathrooms and Office
Zone #4 - Master Bedroom and Master Bath
Zone #5 - Family Room and Mudroom
The plan is super easy. Each week, I concentrate heavily on one particular zone... working my way through my zones in order. Rotating through these zones, it insures that every five weeks, my house is getting squeaky clean!
And the best part? It takes 30 minutes a day!
Mondays are generally set aside for decluttering the designated zone area (getting rid of EVERYTHING that does not belong there!) and organizing so that the rest of the week's cleaning can be accomplished in a more timely fashion.
Tuesdays through Fridays are spent following a very detailed daily list that I have set up for each of my zones... kept, of course, in my "can't do without" household binder.
Start by dividing your house into equal zones - can really be any number of zones. However, just remember, the number of zones you have equals the number of weeks it will take to get through your entire house.
Once you have your zones divided up, sit down with paper and pen and write down EVERYTHING you can think of that you would need to do in each zone to make that part of your house shine!
With your master list now in hand, you can then begin splitting those tasks equally among the five days of the week.
Type them up, print them out, put them into your binder, and you're ready to begin whipping your house into shape the SIMPLE way!
Here are my detailed lists for each of my zones if you'd like to take a look for inspiration.
Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3
Zone 4
Zone 5