Friday, March 14, 2008

My Binder - Food Planning

Well, I'm lying here sick in bed, ugh. Food is the last thing on my mind, LOL. But it's the next section that I keep in my binder, so here goes...

My food planner section is a key section to my binder. Included in this section is a monthy calendar that I write my meal plans on, a weekly meal schedule, a zippered pouch to hold coupons and recipe cards that I will need for the upcoming week, a master grocery list that I use each week for food shopping, a list of new recipes that I want to try, and various hospitality planning sheets that help me pull together any sort of get-together in my home. I even have a list included in this section where I've made a note of how certain friends & family members drink their coffee/tea so I don't have to ask everytime they visit if they want cream/milk/sugar/sweetener... It's just a little thing, but I'm sure it makes them feel important that I "remembered".. haha...

I'm sure there are many more ideas out there that could be included in this section. These are the "basics" that help me out greatly in the kitchen. Be creative. What do you need the most help with?

Most of us HAVE to provide dinner for our families each night, so that's probably one of the first things you would want to include in your food planning section. Planning meals is probably one of my least favorite chores...I dread it. To make it easier on myself, I've devised a little system which I will share with you in my next blog. Stay tuned.

And now, it's time for a nap. :)