Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Successful Start to Your Day, Pt. 2

In hopes of inspiring you (and at the risk of embarrassing myself), let me share with you my own morning routine and evening routine that I follow each weekday (weekends are totally off schedule!). I have included in my routines those things that *I* find absolutely necessary for me to have a successful day.

Once written out, make sure to place your routine in a plastic sleeve for protection and put it inside your new binder/planner so it's easily accessible for reference.

Because I homeschool one of my children, I also have a "school schedule" that is typed and included inside my binder to keep myself on track.

If my kitchen is clean, and my bathrooms are wiped, and my laundry is at least started... I am off to a very good start. Even if the rest of the day goes downhill from there, I can pat myself on the back knowing that I at least covered the basics, and I'll feel like I can conquer anything that life throws my way.

Well... as long as I had time that morning for a few cups of coffee also... ;)